Dr. Caroline Danda

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Get Ready Kids. Back-to-School Adventures are Coming Soon!

Read the Parent Version Parenting Tips to Ease Back to School Anxiety HERE.

Can you feel the buzz in the air? It's time to gear up for that incredible adventure called "Back to School"! OK, so maybe you’re not that excited for school to start. Maybe you’re feeling nervous and unsure about the new school year. Guess what? That's totally normal! Here are some ideas to tackle the back-to-school adventure with confidence and a smile on your face.

Hey, guess what? Feeling a little nervous is completely okay! We all feel nervous when we don't know what to expect. Guess what’s even cooler? We can face those nerves with confidence! Talk to your grown-ups about how you're feeling, and they'll listen and understand. Everyone has those moments of feeling nervous about starting new things. Knowing that you're not alone in feeling this way can make everything seem much better.

You know that feeling you get when you're about to go on a thrilling ride? Well, starting the new school year can feel just like that! It's okay to have a mix of emotions, like being excited to see your friends, wondering what your new teacher will be like, or hoping your friends will be in your class. Did you know that even excitement and nervousness work the same way in our bodies? Yup, they both make our hearts race and give us butterflies in our tummies! They both make us alert to what’s going on. So, don't worry if you're feeling a little bit of both – it's just your amazing brain getting ready for a big adventure! Let yourself be a little worried, knowing that you’ll figure it out once you’re there. Let yourself focus on the excitement of discovering what’s new and what cool things might be waiting for you.

Feeling prepared helps us feel less nervous and makes it easier to be excited!

Step One: Figure out what is the same versus what is different. For example, you’ll still have a teacher, you’ll still have classmates (some same and some different), you’ll probably learn the same subjects, and have a lot of the same specials like gym or music. When you stop to think about it, there is usually more that is the same than is different.

Step Two: Gather all the cool information you can find about the new school year. Talk to your grown-ups and ask them about your new school, classroom, and teacher. You can even take a little trip to see your school before it starts – that might make you feel more at home! You can even ask your parents to create a schedule or calendar you can see, so you always know what's coming next. When you get to school, you’ll get more information about what the school year will be like. Once you have that information, you’ll make new plans if you need to.

Step 3: Pay attention to what you are feeling and thinking. Simply notice them. For example, “I’m having a feeling of nervousness,” or “I’m having a thought that I won’t know anyone in my class.” Once you notice what you’re feeling and thinking, you can decide whether it’s worth keeping, letting it go, sharing, or using it to make a plan.

Remember, you have a superhero support system – your family, your trusted adults, and your good friends! They're like your very own anchors, keeping you steady and strong. Share your feelings with your trusted adults, and they'll always be there to cheer you on! Whether it's a big hug, a high-five, or a thumbs-up, they've got all the love and encouragement you need to succeed. You can borrow their confidence to help you feel a little bit more brave when you need it.

All right, awesome adventurers, are you ready to rock this school year? You might have a mix of feelings, but that's what makes it so incredible! Let yourself feel the excitement and be OK with a little bit of nervousness, too. You've got lots of support – all you have to do is talk to others and ask for help when you need it. Your best friends in this adventure are curiosity, courage, and a big smile on your face.

Ready, Set. Go!